CSR Activities

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CSR Activities


1. Introduction
Aspiration of Mukherjee Associates Infra Private Limited (MAIPL) vision is “to be a global benchmark in value creation and corporate citizenship”. The company has always endeavored to conduct its business in responsible manner and be mindful of its social accountability, respecting applicable laws and with regard for human dignity. The company’s long-term CSR objective is “to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves through long term value creation for the shareholders”, which is in alignment with the MAIPL Core Purpose.
The company shall allocate at least 2% of its average net profits before taxes of the preceding three financial years, towards CSR activities to sustain and improve a healthy and prosperous environment and to improve the quality of life of the communities it serves. The company may also utilize its services as suitable for its CSR activities. Any surpluses arising out of CSR projects or programmes or activities shall not form part of the business profits of the Company and shall be utilized in the manner specified in the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules there under.
The company shall strive to positively impact and influence its employees and partners in fostering a sense of social commitment for the stakeholders.

Focused Geographic Spread  
MAIPL’s focus areas for developmental activities will be in urban as well as rural areas in the states in which it is located.
The company may also support initiatives in the other geographies, as approved by the CSR Committee of the Board, from time to time.
While the Company will ensure that all communities benefit from its CSR activities, the focus will be on those groups that are socially and economically marginalized including but not limited to include women, girl children, old age individuals and schedule castes and tribes.

CSR Focus Areas
MAIPL’s CSR is aligned to focus on four thrust areas- Education, Health, Livelihoods, and Rural and Urban infrastructure. Besides, it will also undertake interventions in the areas of sports, disaster relief, environment and ethnicity etc.  (Refer Annexure 1), all aimed at improving the quality of life of the communities.

MAIPL’s CSR will revolve around six guiding principles – Impact, Partnerships, Affirmative Action, Volunteerism, Communication and Innovation. (Refer Annexure 2)

Delivery Mechanism 
While the large part of the CSR efforts of MAIPL will be implemented in hybrid manner, by an in-house CSR department as well as through other societies, Trusts and Section 8 companies either promoted by company or third parties eligible to carry out CSR activities. The company may also partner with credible organizations – individually or as a consortium – to design, fund, implement and review projects in line with the Provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules thereunder. Partner agencies will be selected based on well – defined selection criteria.
Governance Mechanism
MAIPL’s CSR will be have a multi-tiered governance mechanism.
Board of Directors
  • At the helm of the governance mechanism is the Board of Directors who shall have the overall responsibility to ensure that the funds disbursed towards CSR activities have been utilized for such purpose and in the manner as approved by the Board.
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
  • The board of Directors shall constitute a CSR Committee of the Board. The CSR Committee of the Board will recommend the Annual CSR Action Plan to the Board for its approval. The plan will inter alia include resource requirements and allocation across CSR activities and locations. . The composition of the CSR committee of the board is as below :
Krishna Mukhopadhyaya Executive / Non-independent Chairperson
Partha Mukhopadhyay Executive / Non-independent Member
Shreya Mukhopadhyay Executive / Non-independent Member
Chief Financial Officer
  • The Chief Financial Officer/ Head Finance of the Company shall, on an annual basis, certify to the Board of Directors with respect to the utilization of funds earmarked towards CSR activities.
Review of Policy
The CSR policy document will be reviewed from time to time and any changes, if necessary, will be approved by the CSR Committee and the Board.
Annexure 1: CSR Interventions
CSR Themes CSR Programmes & Initiatives Ref. Sr. No. of Sch VII of Companies Act
  • Setting up and running educational institutions and hostels
  • Setting up the running mid –day meal kitchen
  • Training of teachers and headmasters
  • Improving quality of education in existing schools
  • Augmenting and supporting infrastructure in educational institutions
  • Offering scholarship and financial assistance to needy and meritorious student
  • Bridging drop-out children and methodologies
  • Supporting and promoting co-curricular activities
  • Advocacy of the best practices
  • Education for mainstreaming disabled children
I & II
  • Setting up and running clinics, pathlabs and hospitals
  • Setting up old age homes for elderly care and sustenance
  • Running mobile medical vans and ambulances
  • Organizing health camps
  • Providing financial assistance to needy patience, on a case-to-case basis
  • Reducing infant and maternal mutability
  • Preventing and treating communicable diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/ AIDS
  • Treating and rehabilitating
  • Working on adolescent and reproductive sexual health issues
  • Promoting awareness about various health issues and generating demand for health services
  • Undertaking and supporting research on health – related issues
  • Ensure access to potable drinking water and hygienic sanitation  
  • Setting up and running skill development centers, industrial training centers, diploma and polytechnic institute, community colleges etc.
  • Sponsoring candidates for skill development and vocational training programmes offered at identified intuitions
  • Coaching candidates to appear for entrance examinations of different institutions
  • Creating, training supporting entrepreneurs
  • Supporting Persons with Disabilities to lead a life of self-dependence and dignity
  • Creating, training and supporting self-help groups, federations, co-operatives, societies and similar institutions
  • Building capacities of farmers on improved methods of agricultural and other allied sectors
  • Developing water harvesting structures and irrigation facilities
  • Supporting farmers with quality inputs, technical know- how and timely information
  • Creating markets and marketing linkages for farm and forest based produce
Rural Development
  • Rural Development projects of building and maintaining community based rural infrastructure like roads, bridges, culverts, drains, rural electrification, water infrastructure, community centers, youth clubs etc.  
  • Setting up and running academies and sports training centers for supporting grassroots sports talent
  • Organizing sports tournaments and coaching camps for community 
  • Supporting sportspersons to participate in state, national and international events
  • Offering scholarships and sports equipment to deserving sportspersons
  • Promoting adventure sports
  • Organizing leadership and motivational camps
  • Constructing stadia and sports infrastructure
  • Preserving and promoting Tribal languages, scripts and literature
  • Preserving and promoting fine arts and preforming arts
  • Preserving and promoting indigenous sports
  • Preserving and promoting various aspects of folk and tribal cultures
  •  Organizing Culture events
  • Restoring and renovating memorials, monuments and heritage structure
  • Mainstreaming Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)
  • Undertaking and supporting research on anthropological and ethnic issues
  • Undertaking plantations and afforestation activity
  • Promoting renewable sources of energy
  • Recharging ground water levels
  • Conserving biodiversity and supporting research, awareness and advocacy on issues related to biodiversity
  • Promoting awareness about environmental issues
Disaster Relief
  • Extending relief measures during times of natural disasters anywhere in the country
  • Undertaking and supporting rehabilitation measures post disasters
Support to Technology Incubators
  • Funding research projects at technology hubs  for environmental and social sustainability
The CSR Committee of the Board may, from time to time, recommend donating or making grants to the PM’s fund or funds set up by the State Governments or to non-profit organizations and other institutions whose activities are aligned with the CSR programmes and activities of the Company.

Annexure 2: Guiding Principles for CSR
  • Impact:  All CSR initiatives will have well-defined Key Performance Indicators to measure impacts on target communities and groups. For high impact projects there may be independent, third party assessments and feedback will be a key input for redesign and / or rollout of further initiatives.
  • Partnership: The Company will forge collaborations with business partners and like-minded corporate organizations, funding agencies, non-government organizations, and community based organizations, Governments and Governments organization, based on well-defined selection criteria. Partners will bring in complementary recourses, expertise and influence which would be leveraged to force-multiply the company’s CSR initiatives.
  • Affirmative Action: The Company will design targeted interventions for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes to promote Education, Employability, Employment and Entrepreneurship. The company will also work on promoting Ethnicity to preserve the cultural fabric of these Communities.
  • Volunteerism: The Company is committed to providing opportunities to its employees, their families and the larger MAIPL ecosystem to engage in volunteering activities that will benefit the communities in which they live and work, and at the same time support MAIPL’s own CSR efforts. This will not only deepen local community connect but will also leverage in-house skills in addressing social challenges, thereby creating both social and business impacts.
  • Communications: The Company will have a two way communication channel, so that the stakeholder’s needs expectations and aspirations can be mapped and their feedback and satisfaction levels can be obtained and assessed for the purpose of design and improvement of initiatives.
Innovation: The Company will endeavor to develop innovative solutions to solve seemingly intractable social problems. These will encompass technology, as well as models for souring, partnering and delivery of initiatives. 

Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

The purpose of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee is to govern and review the CSR responsibilities of the company from time to time. The CSR Committee recommends the Annual Business Plan for CSR to the Board for its approval. The plan includes resource requirements and allocation across interventions and locations.
The Committee is comprised of:
  1. Ms. Krishna Mukhopadhyaya - Chairperson
  2. Mr. Partha Mukhopadhyay
  3. Ms. Shreya Mukhopadhyay  

CSR Programmes approved by the Board of Directors of the Company for the Financial Year 2022-23

Sl. No. Name of the Programmes Item from list of activities in Schedule VII to Companies Act,2013 Amount Allocated
(₹ in Lakh)
1. Providing/setting up old age homes for destitute Item (iii) 16.13